SCH Number 2023060757

Project Info

Santa Rosa Creek Fish Passage Improvements Project
There are barriers to fish passage along Santa Rosa Creek at the E Street Bridge Fishway Extension and Melita Road Dam sites due to non-functioning structures and erosion. Additionally, site conditions limit regular maintenance at the E Street Bridge Fishway Extension. The purpose of the Proposed Project is to improve fish passage over a broader range of flows at the E Street Bridge Fishway Extension and Melita Road Dam sites, address ongoing erosion to the right bank at the E Street Bridge Fishway Extension site, and improve access for and reduce the frequency and extent of channel maintenance needs to maintain fish passage through the E Street Bridge Fishway Extension site. Proposed Project construction activities would include replacing and structurally improving the E Street fishway extension, removing the existing trash rack and installing a system of improved trash racks, installing grouted rock upstream of the fishway extension to support the grouted rock weirs and fishway extension infrastructure, enhancing the right bank to address erosion, and constructing an access road for maintenance activities. At the Melita Road Dam site, non-grouted rock weir step pools would be installed to facilitate fish passage.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Sonoma County Water Agency Santa Rosa Creek Fish Passage Improvements Project
Sonoma County Water Agency Santa Rosa Creek Fish Passage Improvements Project