SCH Number 2023060471
Project Info
- Title
- Kensho Residential Project
- Description
- The proposed Kensho Residential Project (project) would amend the Downtown Vista Specific Plan (DVSP) and extend the boundaries to include approximately five acres of additional territory on which the below-described multi-family residential structures would be constructed. The project, which would also include a General Plan Amendment, a Zone Change, Specific Plan Amendment, Site Development Plan, and a Tentative Subdivision Map, would construct 183 multi-family dwelling units, covered parking, and associated amenities. The project proposes off-site sidewalk improvements along the northern side of Guajome Street/Lado de Loma Drive from Eddie Drive to the northern side of the project site/North County Transit District rail line. In addition, the project would construct a pedestrian connection to the east to connect to the sidewalk on Mercantile Street at Guajome Street. The project proposes a General Plan Amendment to change the designation to Mixed Use, which would allow a maximum of 40 du/ac. The site would also be rezoned as DVSP/Paseo Santa Fe District, which permits a mix of commercial and/or residential land uses with a maximum residential density of 40 du/ac. The proposed project would also include a private driveway and landscaping.
2 documents in project