SCH Number 2023060471

Project Info

Kensho Residential Project
The proposed Kensho Residential Project (project) would amend the Downtown Vista Specific Plan (DVSP) and extend the boundaries to include approximately five acres of additional territory on which the below-described multi-family residential structures would be constructed. The project, which would also include a General Plan Amendment, a Zone Change, Specific Plan Amendment, Site Development Plan, and a Tentative Subdivision Map, would construct 183 multi-family dwelling units, covered parking, and associated amenities. The project proposes off-site sidewalk improvements along the northern side of Guajome Street/Lado de Loma Drive from Eddie Drive to the northern side of the project site/North County Transit District rail line. In addition, the project would construct a pedestrian connection to the east to connect to the sidewalk on Mercantile Street at Guajome Street. The project proposes a General Plan Amendment to change the designation to Mixed Use, which would allow a maximum of 40 du/ac. The site would also be rezoned as DVSP/Paseo Santa Fe District, which permits a mix of commercial and/or residential land uses with a maximum residential density of 40 du/ac. The proposed project would also include a private driveway and landscaping.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Vista Kensho Residential Project
City of Vista Kensho Residential Project