SCH Number 2023060448

Project Info

Solvang Comprehensive General Plan Update and Rezoning Project
The project involves a comprehensive update to the City of Solvang General Plan, which presents the community’s vision for Solvang's Planning Area through the General Plan horizon (year 2045). The General Plan serves as the City’s primary guide for land use and development decisions and is a key tool for influencing and improving the quality of life for residents and businesses. As such, it serves as the “blueprint” for future development and conservation of a community. The General Plan will also influence the rezoning of properties to be consistent with the Housing Element and other proposed zoning changes. The 2045 General Plan elements include: Land Use; Community Design; Economic Development; Mobility; Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure; Environment and Sustainability; Safety; and Housing. Although not explicitly its own element, environmental justice considerations are implemented within goals, policies, and implementation programs throughout the General Plan. In addition, the 2045 General Plan includes an Administration chapter. Areas of potential growth considered by the 2045 General Plan include: (1) the Old Lumberyard Site, located at 1783 and 1793 Mission Drive and 533 Pine Street; (2) Site B, located at the junction of Alamo Pintado Road and Viborg Road; (3)Site C, or the Alamo Pintado site, located at the northwestern corner of Alamo Pintado and Old Mission Drive; and (4) Site D, or the Alisal Commons site, a 3.71-acre portion of a large open space, recreation zoned parcel that encompasses portions of the rights-of-way for Alisal Road, Juniper Avenue, and Fjord Drive.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Solvang 2045 General Plan
City of Solvang Solvang Comprehensive General Plan Update and Rezoning Project
City of Solvang Solvang Comprehensive General Plan Update and Rezoning Project