SCH Number 2023050549

Project Info

Town of Woodside Housing Element Update
The Proposed Project involves updates to the Town of Woodside General Plan Housing Element. In compliance with State law, the Housing Element is being updated to account for changing demographics, market conditions, and projected housing need over an 8-year planning period that runs from 2023 through 2031. It builds upon the goals, policies, and implementing programs contained in the Town's 2015-2023 Housing Element and other Town policies and practices to address housing needs in the community. The overall focus of the Housing Element is to address local housing need in compliance with State law while also seeking to retain Woodside's rural character and equestrian heritage.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Town of Woodside Town of Woodside Housing Element Update
Town of Woodside Town of Woodside Housing Element Update
Town of Woodside Town of Woodside Housing Element Update
Town of Woodside Woodside Housing Element Update