SCH Number 2023050271

Project Info

Updated Walnut Specific Plan
The Project proposes the rescinding of the Walnut Village Specific Plan (SP) and adoption of a new specific plan to clarify regulations for existing development as well as allow for additional development on approximately 53 acres of total 342 acres of the SP, which have been identified as developable or capable of redevelopment. The 53 acres identified for the Project are made up of 63 parcels in the northwest, southeast, and southwest portions of the SP area.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Fontana New Walnut Village Specific Plan EIR
City of Fontana Walnut Village Specific Plan EIR
City of Fontana Updated Walnut Specific Plan
City of Fontana Updated Walnut Specific Plan
City of Fontana Updated Walnut Specific Plan