SCH Number 2023050208

Project Info

Valley Boulevard Widening Project
The City of Menifee (City) proposes to widen the existing Valley Boulevard roadway between Murrieta Road and Chambers Avenue and extend the roadway through two existing gaps, providing local residents with one continuous route. The Valley Boulevard Widening Project (Project) will include raised medians, turn lanes, and seven new traffic signals at major intersections. Additionally, the Project will enhance and complete the multi-modal network by constructing sidewalks and bike lanes on both sides of the roadway. Existing pavement will be rehabilitated throughout the Project Area, while existing curb ramps and sidewalks will be improved as needed. Landscaping will be incorporated within the median and along the sidewalks throughout the corridor to preserve and enrich the visual quality of the City, enhancing the sense of place and character of the existing neighborhoods. Landscaping walls will also be incorporated along the roadway where appropriate. The Project is consistent with the City’s adopted General Plan Circulation Element and meets the City’s strategic goal for an interconnected and safe community.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Menifee Valley Boulevard Widening Project
City of Menifee Valley Boulevard Widening Project
City of Menifee Valley Boulevard Widening Project