SCH Number 2023050041

Project Info

North Bay Forest Improvement Program
The project is located between Abs Yids Menus end Los Divas Rand In Sante Rosa and is owned by Ito Mb Viola Hirineovoner's Association. The projecl MI tire place on 17.50 817.11 Si forest in 01111 developrrynt Vegetation is prima* Douglas-Fr, merry &which are dead from drought. Other species present Includs California bey-tovrel, rramanite, livs oak, scotch broom, ceanotius, and Engar Ivy. Tramline/de leg target 100-500 his per iris (Mmey Douglespil with marl of th. [awl iris b be bested In Tees ranging am 4-r DM for rairomt. Other treatments Include brush nienegement, chipping, piing, she preperetion for planting, and hand Morning nal*. mar. Sams bees low tan 12' Dal may be treated. but Ihese trees Mil be Fried lo those delitrnoted n bi dying or en Mood hazard. Work will largely be oompleted using hand cram Operational tirrilalons for mamourem that Inducts a no operation Wear without clearance atom a gireabed Registered Professional Forester or qualified bioiogist Warn:rang non-pommy 51 species hid under the Federat or Stet Endangered Specie
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Sonoma Resource Conservation District North Bay Forest Improvement Program - Bear Flat
Sonoma Resource Conservation District North Bay Forest Improvement Program