SCH Number 2023040640

Project Info

Joel Michaely Grow LLC
The proposed project has two phases, referred to herein as ‘stages’ to avoid confusion with the term ‘phasing’ as found in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Stage I (year I) is proposing a Type 3A “outdoor” cultivation for a total cultivation and canopy area of up to 1,089,000 sq. ft. (25 acres). Stage II (year II) is proposing a Type 3B “mixed light” cultivation for 550,000 sq. ft. (12.6 acres) of canopy area within a cultivation area of 861,128 sq. ft. (19.8 acres). The outdoor cultivation area would entirely convert to mixed light with greenhouse cultivation in Stage II; this will occur in the footprint of Stage I cultivation.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Lake County Joel Michaely Grow LLC
Lake County Joel Michaely Grow LLC
Lake County Joel Michaely Farms, Use Permit UP 22-15