SCH Number 2023040471
Project Info
- Title
- Visalia Ranch at St Johns (TSM 22-002, PZC 22-012, WAC 22-005, WAN 22-018)
- Description
- The proposed Project consists of subdividing approximately 67.60 acres into 35 single-family residential parcels ranging in size from 1.0 - 2.5 acres with associated access roads, lighting and landscaping. Specifically, the Project includes 24 1.0-acre parcels and 11 2.5-acre parcels. The proposed Project site covers three land parcels: APN 079-073-001, zoned as R-A-100, and APNs 079-071-014 and 079-072-005, zoned as AE-20. To accommodate the proposed Project a Williamson Act Partial Non-Renewal (WAN 22-018) was approved by the Tulare County Board of Supervisors (Board) on February 7, 2023, and a Williamson Act Cancellation (WAC 22-005) was approved by the Board on April 4, 2023. The proposed Project will also require Board approval of a Zone Change from R-A-100 and AE-20 to R-A-110 (PZC 22-012) and a Tentative Subdivision Map (TSM 22-002).
2 documents in project