SCH Number 2023040175

Project Info

Oyster Cove Mixed Use Neighborhood
Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for a project proposing development on 6.13 acres to construct 121 condominium townhomes and 11 work-live units within 21 three and four-story buildings. The project includes adaptive reuse of an existing 7,500 square foot building into a commercial and public use space, access easements to the Petaluma River Park and Steamer Landing Park, surface parking, internal driveways, pervious pedestrian paths, and offsite improvements including signalization of the D Street/Copeland Street intersection. Primary access would be provided from Copeland Street, with a secondary emergency vehicle access (EVA) at the northeast corner of the project site connecting to Hopper Street.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Petaluma Oyster Cove Mixed Use Neighborhood
City of Petaluma Oyster Cove Mixed Use Neighborhood
City of Petaluma Oyster Cove Mixed Use Neighborhood