SCH Number 2023030261
Project Info
- Title
- Right-of-Way Reinforcement Program
- Description
- The El Dorado Irrigation District (District) is proposing to conduct the Right-of-way Reinforcement Program to treat vegetation within the existing utility corridors for seven of the District’s approximately 88-mile water transmission pipeline system Within the utility corridor, crews would remove trees less than 12 inches in diameter at breast height (DBH), and would clear brush, shrubs, and other woody material, with widths ranging up to 60-feet. Hazard trees greater than 12 inches DBH within the utility corridor would also be removed. Vegetation treatments consist of mechanical or manual removal of vegetation and then chipping and broadcasting or lopping and scattering material onsite, and occasionally pile burning material where terrain limits equipment access and onsite conditions allow. Initial treatment activities are expected to be completed in approximately 5-years with ongoing maintenance of vegetation ongoing into the future as needed.
2 documents in project