SCH Number 2023020695
Project Info
- Title
- Orland Firebreak/Fuels Reduction Project
- Description
- The City of Orland proposes the construction of a 1.20-acre, 1-mile-long, approximately 10-to 20-footwide firebreak between Stony Creek and the City of Orland. The Project would start in the open area between Stony Creek and the end of Modoc Street, and extend east toward Road MM, stopping just past the existing stormwater basin (Figure 1). The Project Area consists of a meandering corridor that follows previously established gravel roads and footpaths so as to avoid impacts to potentially biologically sensitive areas. The majority of the Project Area will be 20 feet wide excepting a 600-foot section that will be 10 feet wide to further reduce potential impacts to sensitive areas.
2 documents in project