SCH Number 2023020359

Project Info

Rice Canyon Reservoir Access Road and New Conduit Project, W.O. No. C2038
The Project site consists of 2.6 acres, along portions of Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) 394-140-001, -003, -004, and 394-150-001, and -011. APN 394-140-001, which contains the District’s Reservoir, and is owned by the City of Lake Elsinore, within Riverside County. The improvements proposed as part of the Project aim to restore permanent access to the District’s Rice Canyon Reservoir, while protecting the existing 16-inch water pipeline and the proposed electrical conduit from future flooding and vehicle traffic. To that end, the proposed Project includes the following components: (1) replace the existing electrical conduit; (2) replace the three existing concrete low water crossings; (3) clear vegetation, regrade and compact the access road, and construct earthen drainage swales along the road in areas where natural ditches have already formed; (4) perform reservoir rehabilitation repairs; and (5) ongoing maintenance of roadway to keep clear for access. All Project-related activities are planned and designed to stay within the proposed Project footprint. At completion of Project construction, the District will have full power and communication to the Reservoir as well as a usable access road that can be maintained in perpetuity by the District and concrete low water crossings.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Rice Canyon Reservoir Access Road and New Conduit Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-RIV-47128-R6) Amendment #1
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Rice Canyon Reservoir Access Road and New Conduit Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-RIV-47128-R6)
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Rice Canyon Reservoir Access Road and New Conduit Project, W.O. No. C2038
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Rice Canyon Reservoir Access Road and New Conduit Project, W.O. No. C2038