SCH Number 2023020009
Project Info
- Title
- Harmon Ranch
- Description
- The proposed project is approximately 11.5 acres and includes a total of 63 new single-family homes and associated site improvements and retention of the existing historic home (see Figure 1-1, Site Plan). The project proposes approximately 5.85.7 acres designated for residential development, a 0.25-acre historic home site, 3.2 acres of open space areas, 1.9 acres for private streets, and 0.5 acres of public right of-way (Oak Knoll Road). The proposed project would include 63 single-family detached homes plus the 1 existing historic home on site for a total of 64 lots within the Specific Plan boundary. The proposed density is 8.8 dwelling units/acre (64 total residential lots/7.26-acre net project area not including private streets), which is just over the existing RS-7 designation density. The proposed project is located in the southern portion of the City, along Oak Knoll Road, south of Poway Road and west of Carriage Road. The existing General Plan Land Use and Zoning Map designates the entire project site as "Residential Single-Family 7 (RS-7)". A General Plan amendment and zone change would be processed concurrently with the Specific Plan to designate the project site as "Planned Community (PC)." The amendment consists of both a map amendment and a zoning text amendment. In addition, a new section would be added to the Zoning Ordinance that briefly describes the Harmon Ranch Planned Community. This designation and zoning would be consistent with other specific plan areas throughout the City.
5 documents in project