SCH Number 2023010516

Project Info

Matheny Tract Wastewater Collection System and Pipeline Inter-tie Project
The proposed Project consists of a new wastewater collection system within the community and consolidation with the City of Tulare (City). The major components of the Project include: a new gravity wastewater collection system composed of a combination of 8-inch and 10-inch polyethylene vinyl chloride (PVC) sewer mains within the community, including new 4-inch PVC sewer lateral service connections to each existing residence; a new lift station in proximity to the community along Pratt Street; approximately 10,700 feet of 4-inch high density polyethylene (HOPE) sewer force main in Pratt Street, Paige Avenue, West Avenue, and Levin Avenue Alignment from Matheny Tract to the City's Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant (DWWTP); proper in-place abandonment of existing septic systems and leach fields ; and connection and consolidation of the new Matheny Tract wastewater system to the City's DWWTP.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Tulare County Matheny Tract Wastewater System
Tulare County Matheny Tract Wastewater Collection System and Pipeline Inter-tie Project
Tulare County Matheny Tract Wastewater Collection System and Pipeline Inter-tie Project