SCH Number 2023010152
Project Info
- Title
- ERSP2019-1616/State Route 89, Cascade Creed Road
- Description
- This project consists of the sale and assignment of 69 square feet of Stream Environment Zone Restoration Credit from Conservancy-owned land to a receiving parcel (APN 018-090-055). The assignment will satisfy Tahoe Regional Planning Agency permit requirements for maintenance, excavation, and replacement. Approximately 2,500 linear feet of overhead wire will be removed, including three overhead crossings of State Route 89. The powerline will be relocated slightly to the south adjacent to an existing access road that serves a water tank and residences at Cascade Lake. The new alignment requires seven new power poles, approximately 120 feet of new overhead wire crossing State Route 89, and approximately 208 cubic yards of excavation for undergrounding 550 linear feet of line on the northeast side of the highway. The sale and assignment of the restoration credits will mitigate the creation of 46 square feet of coverage created in Land Capability 3 for the installation of two switch boxes. The assignment enables the receiving landowner to carry out the project without any net increase in the amount of existing land coverage within the Lake Tahoe Basin.
1 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | ERSP2019-1616/State Route 89, Cascade Creek Road |