SCH Number 2023010091

Project Info

SMP 39/SMP 40 Project
For SMP 39, the proposed project would include development of a total of up to six light industrial buildings, consisting of up to approximately 755,500 square feet (sf) of new building space, and associated internal roadways and other improvements; for SMP 40, the proposed project would include development of two industrial buildings containing up to 759,275 sf of new building space with related internal roadways and other improvements. A number of approvals would be required for development of SMP 39 and SMP 40, including a Sphere of Influence (SOI) Amendment for SMP 39, General Plan Amendment, Pre-zoning and Annexation, Zoning Map Amendment/Planned Development, Vesting Tentative Subdivision Maps, a Pre-Annexation Agreement, and Development Agreement. A Site Plan Design Review entitlement is required for SMP 39 and SMP 40, which would include a review of the site plan, building, and landscape design; however, the entitlement is only proposed for SMP 40 at this time. A Site Plan Design Review entitlement will be required at a later date for the future development of SMP 39. In addition, the proposed project would include annexation of four additional parcels (APNs 904-10-2-3, -5, -7, and -8) located east of SMP 40. Development is not proposed on the additional parcels as part of the proposed project.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Livermore Reorganization of the Oak Business Project to the City of Livermore
City of Livermore SMP 39/SMP 40 Project
City of Livermore SMP 39/SMP 40 Project
City of Livermore SMP 38/SMP 39/SMP 40 Project
City of Livermore SMP 38/SMP 39/SMP 40 Project