SCH Number 2023010079
Project Info
- Title
- Brian Johnson Trust Coastal Permit
- Description
- The applicant requests Coastal Permit approval to construct a new two-story, 1,488 square-foot single-family residence and a 288 square-foot detached garage on a vacant lot in Stinson Beach. The 1,488 square feet of proposed development would result in a floor area ratio of 9.8 percent on the 15,200 square-foot lot. The proposed building would reach a maximum height of 24 feet, five inches above surrounding grade and the exterior walls would have the following setbacks: 25 feet from the northwestern front property line; 53 feet from the northeastern side property line; 90 feet from the southwestern side property line; 25 feet from the southeastern rear property line. The proposed development also entails various site improvements, including a new septic system, a new driveway, decks, and landscaping improvements.
2 documents in project