SCH Number 2022120606
Project Info
- Title
- Agromin Yolo Land & Cattle Chip and Grind Facility
- Description
- The project proponent, Sack Holdings, proposes a zoning change of a 19.88-acre parcel from Exclusive Agriculture 40 acre minimum (A-40) to Commercial Service (CS) consistent with the General Plan designation and Use Permit to allow a green waste chipping and grinding operation coupled with a soil amendment blending operations, accepting green materials, yard trimmings and agricultural materials on 5.25 acres. The project requires zoning text amendment to allow composting and recycling facility subject to Use Permit approval by the Planning Commission in the CS zoning district. The project is located at 8757 Pedrick Road within the unincorporated area of Dixon. APN: 00110-140-030 (Application Nos.: U-21-04, ZT-22-02 and Z-22-02).
2 documents in project