SCH Number 2022120594
Project Info
- Title
- Municipal Code Text Amendment 20-0005 San Dimas - MCTA 20-0005
- Description
- The proposed Municipal Code Text Amendment (MCTA) would allow for up to one thousand (1,000) cubic yards (CY) of grading, cut, and fill, beyond the grading necessary for the primary residence, driveway and garage for properties located within SP-11 Planning Area 1 (36 residential lots, up to 36,000 CY grading). Per the previous Development Plan Review Board policy, a swimming pool and five (5) feet of decking surrounding the pool were exempted from the additional grading calculations, and will be codified as part of the proposed MCTA. The proposed MCTA would also include development standards for the grading, landscaping, and any retaining walls that the additional grading would require.
3 documents in project