SCH Number 2022120331
Project Info
- Title
- IS21-0029 SMP Gold Corp (Oro Cruz) Reclamation Plan #21-0001, a Mineral Exploration Project
- Description
- The applicant proposes mineral exploration activities consisting of using existing access roads and improving some existing roads, as well as constructing a new temporary exploration drilling access road, up to eight (8) helicopter landing pads and sixty-five (65) drill pads to support exploration in seven (7) Drill Areas. The Project would also entail constructing a new permanent access road and 2.8-acre staging area for access to the Oro Cruz Portal on BLM lands. The total surface disturbance on BLM lands for the proposed Project activities is estimated at 21.3 acres. The Project is located on previously mined BLM lands, (APN 050-1 10-006, 007, 008, 009, 023, 024, and 050-280-001 , 012 and 013) within T1 53, R20E, Sections 1 , 2, 12 and 13, and T1 55, R21 E, Seciions 6, 7 and 18, SBBM.
2 documents in project