SCH Number 2022120319

Project Info

The Bloc
The Project would develop 466 residential units within a new high-rise tower (Residential Tower) on the southern half of the Project Site (Development Area), in conjunction with the enclosure of the rooftop parking level of the existing nine-story podium building and addition of two levels of parking, increasing the podium to 12 stories. The 53-story high-rise tower would be located within and above the expanded parking podium (Residential Tower).The existing hotel, office, and commercial uses on the Project Site would be retained, with the exception of some existing parking uses and 24,342 square feet of existing commercial floor area in the podium building that would be converted to residential uses, including a new residential lobby. Residential uses would comprise a total of 495,016 square feet of floor area, consisting of the conversion of the 24,342 square feet of existing commercial floor area and the addition of 470,674 square feet in the Residential Tower. The basement levels below the podium building would be retained. Upon completion of the Project, the Project Site would include a total of 1,894,988 square feet of floor area won a 186,674 square-foot (4.2-acre) site. A Sign District would be implemented to allow for a comprehensive signage program, and would include digital displays, digital kiosks, and off-site advertising.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Los Angeles The Bloc
City of Los Angeles The Bloc
City of Los Angeles The Bloc