SCH Number 2022120088

Project Info

City of Lawndale General Plan Update
The City of Lawndale is preparing a comprehensive update to its existing General Plan. The General Plan Update is intended to be an expression of the community’s vision for the City and Planning Area and constitutes the policy and regulatory framework by which future development projects will be reviewed and public improvements will be implemented. The Lawndale General Plan Update includes a comprehensive set of goals, policies, and actions (implementation measures), organized into Elements, as well as a revised Land Use Map. The Lawndale General Plan will include all of the State-mandated elements, and will address two optional topics: Economic Development and Community Facilities.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Lawndale City of Lawndale General Plan Update
City of Lawndale City of Lawndale General Plan Update
City of Lawndale City of Lawndale General Plan Update