SCH Number 2022120053

Project Info

City of Needles, General Plan Update, Land Use and Transportation Elements
The Proposed Project is an update to the City’s General Plan for the Land Use and Transportation Elements. The Proposed Project will guide the City’s growth and development for the next 20 years through 2040. As proposed, the General Plan update will provide for future growth in population from the existing population of 5,225 and employment of 1,403 to buildout conditions of a population of approximately 7,750 and employment of 2,395. As part of the Land Use Element and Map update, the City will revise the Goals and Polices in the current Land Use Element, create a single-map system that allows for consistency between the Land Use and Zoning Maps, create a Downtown Core (DT) designation, introduce mixed-use development into the City’s Downtown, and make corresponding changes to the City’s development code. The Proposed Project will update the City’s circulation system, revise the Goals and Policies of the Circulation Plan, provide for potential reconfiguration of certain streets within Downtown Core, update roadway classifications and truck routes.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Needles City of Needles General Plan Update Land Use and Transportation Elements
City of Needles City of Needles, General Plan Update, Land Use and Transportation Elements