SCH Number 2022110593

Project Info

Ross Housing Element Update
In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this document provides responses to comments received on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) SCH No. 2022110593 for the proposed Ross General Plan Housing Element Update (Proposed Project) in the Town of Ross, California, and it includes revisions to the text in the Draft EIR made in response to comments. The Draft EIR identified significant impacts associated with the Proposed Project and examined alternatives and recommended mitigation measures that could avoid or reduce potential impacts. This document will constitute the Final EIR.
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Town of Ross Second Amendment to Town of Ross 6th Cycle Housing Element 2023-2031
Town of Ross Adoption of Town of Ross Ordinace No.724
Town of Ross Revised Housing Element 2023-2031
Town of Ross Ross Housing Element Update
Town of Ross Ross Housing Element Update
Town of Ross Ross Housing Element Update
Town of Ross Ross Housing and Safety Element Update