SCH Number 2022110530

Project Info

Valor Academy Elementary School (ENV-2022-5866-MND)
The Project would develop the site with a new one and two-story, 26.5-foot-tall, elementary school building with 28 classrooms (totaling 23,538 sf) for grades transitional kindergarten (TK) through 4; a multi-purpose room (totaling 3,182 sf); administrative spaces (totaling 1,616 sf); corridors, storage spaces, and covered outdoor dining (totaling 6,419 sf); and a surface parking lot with an ingress/egress driveway off Plummer Street. The elementary school building would have a total building area of 34,755 sf and would accommodate a maximum enrollment of 552 students. The existing single-family residence was built in 1914 and is listed in SurveyLA and would therefore remain on the site as part of the project (adaptively reused for admin/office space). The project proposes 49 parking spaces, 12,500 cyd of cut/fill, and the removal of 9 protected & 32 non-protected shrubs/trees to be replaced with 36 protected species and 32 non-protected species.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Los Angeles 15526 & 15544 West Plummer Street / ENV-2022-5866-MND
City of Los Angeles Valor Academy Elementary School (ENV-2022-5866-MND)