SCH Number 2022110490

Project Info

The Acr Fresno/Madera Counties
Project includes a proposal to construct a new 8,170 sf Arc facility on a 2.12-acre site along with stormwater improvements to connect to an existing County storm basin. The site is located west of Road 26 (Country Club Drive), north of Ellis Street. Implementation of the 2.12 acre project is subject to a general plan amendment, prezoning, use permit and site plan review. The project also includes the annexation of 230 acres composed of 54 parcels into the City of Madera. Prezoning of the 230 acres will be consistent with the City's General Plan land use designations applicable to the individual parcels proposed for annexation. Annexation area is generally bound by Martin Street to the north, North D Street to the east, existing City limits to the south and Madera Irrigation District canal and Road 26 to the west.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Madera The Arc Fresno/Madera Counties
City of Madera The Acr Fresno/Madera Counties