SCH Number 2022110206

Project Info

General Plan Climate Adaptation and Safety Element Update
The project is the Climate Adaptation and Safety Element (CASE) of the City's General Plan. The CASE updates and replaces the existing Safety Element, which was adopted in 2012. The CASE would serve as the City's Safety Element, which is a required element of a general plan under State law. The CASE describes the major hazards present in the city, and where appropriate explains how climate change exacerbates hazards. The types of hazards discussed are: flooding, extreme heat, fire, earthquakes and other geological hazards, hazardous materials, electromagnetic fields, and city operations and emergency services. It then sets forth goals describing a future in which the City's physical, natural, and social systems are resilient to and provide protection from these hazards.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Luis Obispo General Plan Climate Adaptation and Safety Element Update
City of San Luis Obispo General Plan Climate Adaptation and Safety Element Update