SCH Number 2022100646

Project Info

Mojave Micro Mill by PSGM3 Holdings Corp (Pacific Steel Group)
The project applicant is proposing the construction and operation of a micro mill facility and associated infrastructure necessary to produce rebar from scrap metal (e.g., shredded automobiles, appliances, structural and sheet metal, and other pre-processed steel bundles) through various recycling processes. Development would include an approximate 489,200 square-foot steel mill facility with an additional 61,721 square feet of accessory buildings and structures, for a total of 550,921 square feet. The proposed project would include an approximate 63-acre accessory solar array on 174 total acres of privately owned land included in the proposed project site. Outdoor storage for scrap materials and staging is also proposed as part of the project. In total, the mill would be made up of 13 attached and detached buildings and 7 ancillary structures.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Kern County Electrified Steel Mill Long Duration Energy Storage Demonstration
Kern County Mojave Micro Mill Project (Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act (WJTCA) Incidental Take Permit No. 1927-ITP-2024-073-04 (ITP))
Kern County Mojave Micro Mill by PSGM3 Holdings Corp (Pacific Steel Group)
Kern County Mojave Micro Mill by PSGM3 Holdings Corp (Pacific Steel Group)
Kern County Mojave Micro Mill by PSGM3 Holdings Corp (Pacific Steel Group)
Kern County Mojave Micro Mill by PSGM3 Holdings Corp (Pacific Steel Group)