SCH Number 2022100635

Project Info

Conway Residential Subdivision
To subdivide approximately 14.07 acres into 44 single family residential lots and utilizing the State Density Bonus law allows for another 10 multifamily attached units, along with two (2) lettered lots for stormwater/water quality basins and common area open space. Of the proposed 14.07 acres, 12.06 acres are currently within the City of Escondido and 2.01-acre parcel with two (2) existing homes is within the unincorporated County, which will require LAFCO approval for annexation into the City of Escondido. A Grading Exemption is requested for a fill-slopes up to 25’ feet in height located along Stanley Avenue and internal on Street “F” of the project site. A Grading Exemption is required for fill slopes in excess of 10 feet in height. Utilities will be extended to serve the proposed project from Conway Drive, Stanley Avenue and Lehner Avenue.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Escondido Design Review Permit - Conway Subdivision
City of Escondido Design Review Permit for Conway Subdivision
City of Escondido Conway Residential Subdivision