SCH Number 2022100534

Project Info

LMK Petro Convenience Store, Gas Station, and Car Wash Project
The LMK Petro Convenience Store, Gas Station, and Car Wash Project (proposed project) would include the development of a 3,850 sq. ft. convenience store with a deli, a 2,800 sq. ft. car wash building, and a 4,253 sq. ft. fuel canopy for a four-island gas station serving eight cars on the southeast portion of the project site. In addition, the project would include 22 off-street parking spaces, and landscaping throughout the site. The proposed project would include a General Plan Amendment (GPA) to change the site’s land use designation from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Community Commercial (CC); a Rezone from Residential Single-Family 6,000 Square Foot (sq. ft.) Minimum Lot Size (RS-6) to Neighborhood Commercial (CN); a Use Permit to allow for the operation of a gas station with a convenience store, and car wash as accessory uses on the project site; and Design Review.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Pittsburg LMK Petro Project: AP-16-1189 (GPA, RZ, UP, DR)
City of Pittsburg LMK Petro Convenience Store, Gas Station, and Car Wash Project