SCH Number 2022100349

Project Info

Canyon Ranch Annexation
The Project includes two subdivisions including a 10.96-acre area (Map 20403) to include 37 residential lots and subdivision of a 55.72-acre area (Map 20404) consisting of 89 residential lots. The Applicant is requesting a General Plan Amendment (GPA) and Zoning Change (ZC) to change the current pre-zone of General Commercial to Low Density Residential (R-1, 0 to 4 du/ac) for four of the 14 commercial designated lots within the 141-acre annexation area. The remaining pre-zoned land use designations within the 141-acre annexation area would remain and include General Commercial (C-2), Low Density Residential (R-1), and Very Low Density Residential (HR-VL). Concurrent with the proposed GPA, Pre-Zone Application and TTM filings, an Annexation application will be filed and processed with San Bernardino County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to annex the Project Site into the City of Loma Linda. Both projects are required to be annexed simultaneously in order to preclude the formation of an island of territory. Both properties are currently adjacent to the City boundary.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Loma Linda LAFCO 3259 - Reorganization to Include Annexation to Loma Linda, Detachment from SBC Fire Protection District, its Valley Service Zone, Zone FP-5, and CSA 70
City of Loma Linda Canyon Ranch Annexation