SCH Number 2022100046

Project Info

Novakovic Residence
A COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT for demolition of the 480 square foot (sf) detached garage and partial demolition of the one-story 1,018 (sf) single-family residence to convert to a 1,018 sf accessory dwelling unit with a carport, and construction of a three-story 3,015 single-family modular residence with basement. The project would also construct associated site improvements (I.e. hardscape, site walls, driveway, landscaping). The proposed structures would not exceed 30 feet in height from grade. The 0.18-acre project site is located at 2288 Via Aprilia. The site is designated Residential and zoned RS-1-7 (Residential-Single Unit) zone within the Torrey Pines Community Plan area. Additionally, the site is located within the Coastal (Non- Appealable) Overlay Zone, Coastal Height Overlay Zone, Parking Impact Overlay Zone (Coastal Impact), and Mobility Zone 4. (LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 26 and 27 in Block 1 of Del Mar Terrace per map 1527).
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Diego Novakovic Residence
City of San Diego Novakovic Residence
City of San Diego Novakovic Residence