SCH Number 2022100031
Project Info
- Title
- Sunterra Tentative Tract Map 38107 (TTM 38107) (P21-091)
- Description
- The Project proposes to subdivide one 38.15-acre parcel via a Tentative Tract Map into 215 single-family lots and construct 215 single-family detached residences, onsite roadways, a detention basin, and four park/open space areas totaling 2.6- acres. The residential lots would be a minimum of 4,000 square feet. The proposed Project includes 215 single-family residences on 38.15 net acres, which would result in 5.6 units per net acre. Residential structures would be 2 stories in height with a maximum height of 45 feet. Residences would range in floor area size from 1,000 square feet to 3,000 square feet. The Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (Draft IS/MND) was previously circulated from October 4, 2022 to October 25, 2022. The Draft IS/MND is being recirculated due to a broken web link that directed a reader to the environmental document and associated studies on the previously circulated NOI. This NOI contains the correct web link where the environmental document and associated studies are to be found. There has been one change in the project description, the previously proposed maximum building height was 35 feet in the IS/MND that was previously circulated from October 4 – 12, 2022. The IS/MND that is being recirculated has revised the maximum building height to 45 feet, which is in conformance with City of San Jacinto Municipal Code Section 17.620. In addition, the Draft IS/MND has been revised to include recommended mitigation measures that were received from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) on October 31, 2022. Text that has been striked out will be removed in the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration and text that has been underlined will been included in the Final MND.
2 documents in project