SCH Number 2022090260

Project Info

Fugazi Brothers Pump Turnout Project
John Fugazi proposes to install a new pump turnout in Mormon Slough at 5503 N. Fine Road, in Linden CA. The new turnout would supply water for 43.85 acres of almond orchard, and provide an estimated 123 acre-feet of in lieu groundwater recharge annually. The pump will include an 8” pipeline with a flowrate of 500 gallons per minute. A 6” concrete slab would also be poured near an existing well to allow for the installation of a two-tank sand media filter. Stockton East Water District (District) is the CEQA lead agency. The District has prepared an Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration which examines potential environmental impacts caused by the proposed Project.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Stockton East Water District Fugazi Pump Turnout (Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. SJN-41728-R2)
Stockton East Water District Fugazi Brothers Pump Turnout Project
Stockton East Water District Fugazi Brothers Pump Turnout Project