SCH Number 2022080729

Project Info

Monrovia 2021-2029 Housing Element Update, Safety Element Update, and New Environmental Justice Element
The Housing Element is a policy document setting forth the City’s plan to accommodate its share of regional housing needs, as determined by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). The City of Monrovia’s share for the 2021-2029 planning period is 1,670 new housing units. This allocation is referred to as the Regional Housing Needs Assessment, or RHNA. The Housing Element does not specifically authorize the construction of any housing development, nor does it indicate where and when specific housing projects will occur. The Housing Element is a required component of the City’s General Plan and must be updated on a regular basis, as set forth in Government Code Sections 65580 – 65589.8.8. The Housing Element consists of the following components: 1) housing needs, 2) constraints to housing development, 3) housing resources (available sites and funding sources), 4) a housing plan, and 5) affirmatively furthering fair housing strategies. The implementation of the Monrovia Housing Plan identifies a series of zoning text amendments to the Monrovia Municipal Code. Those zoning text amendments need to be considered in order to respond to a number of State law requirements. The specific text amendments of the Zoning Code will be prepared by the City and adopted at a later time. The 2021-2029 Housing Element applies to all properties within the City of Monrovia on which existing and proposed General Plan land use designations and zoning districts allow residential and/or mixed-use development. In conjunction with this Housing Element Update, the City is also undertaking an update to the General Plan’s Safety Element to align it with recently enacted State Laws and adopt new climate adaptation and wildfire strategies. Lastly, the City developed a new Environmental Justice Element for the General Plan to comply with Senate Bill (SB 1000) and Senate Bill (SB 244). The purpose of the Environmental Justice Element is to address public health risks and environmental justice concerns of those living in disadvantaged communities as defined in Government Code, §65302(h)(4)(A), many of which are the result of geographic or procedural inequities. Since these policy documents do not specifically authorize the construction of any development, nor do these documents specifically indicate where and when specific housing projects will occur, this IS/MND examines the potential environmental impacts at a programmatic level.
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City of Monrovia 2021-2029 Housing Element Update, Safety Element Update, and New Environmental Justice Element
City of Monrovia Monrovia 2021-2029 Housing Element Update, Safety Element Update, and New Environmental Justice Element