SCH Number 2022080659
Project Info
- Title
- MND_GPA ZC 22-0104 Greenfield
- Description
- Swanson Engineering, Inc., on behalf of Greenfield Union School District, is proposing to develop a new District Office and future records storage building on two parcels equaling 19.35 acres located on the north of Fairview Road between Monitor Street and S Union Avenue. The request includes two components: 1. General Plan Amendment (GPA) of the land use element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan (General Plan) from LR (Low Density Residential) to GC (General Commercial) on ±19.35 acres; 2. Zone Change (ZC) from an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) zone classification to C-2 (Regional Commercial) on ±19.35 acres; The Project would be the development of a 25,000 square foot District Office and future records storage building, with associated parking and improvements.
2 documents in project