SCH Number 2022080061

Project Info

Calexico High School Expansion and Modernization
The project encompasses most of the Calexico High School campus and consists of the comprehensive modernization and rehabilitation of the campus, including demolition, new construction, and renovation/modernization activities. The project includes the replacement of 8 buildings and structures (approximately 30,684 square feet). There will be a new administrative building, two(2) new STEAM classrooms buildings (4 classrooms and labs in each building); and a new multi-purpose room/cafeteria. Other improvements include campus-wide infrastructure, including domestic water, fire, irrigation, gas, sewer, low voltage (e.g., fire, telephone, data), electrical and storm drainage, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance, landscape, hardscape, and exterior paint. Prior to construction, the District plans to perform a Phase 1 Environmental site assessment and Title 5 Survey. The District will mitigate any areas of concern based on the necessary risk assessment, health and safety requirements, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15064(f)(2). Based on the environmental analysis in the Initial Study, the District has determined that a Mitigated Negative Declaration is the appropriate level of environmental documentation for the project. The IS/MND will be based on the potentially significant effects of the project related to the items required for analysis on the initial study checklist. The Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment presents the site's historic use findings and will determine if further action is necessary.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Calexico Unified School District (CUSD) Removal Action Workplan, Calexico High School Modernization Project
Calexico Unified School District (CUSD) Calexico HS Modernization and Expansion
Calexico Unified School District (CUSD) Calexico High School Expansion and Modernization