SCH Number 2022070551

Project Info

Loreto Bay Estates 15-Lot Subdivision
The applicant seeks approval of a rezoning of the subject property from H-1, Heavy Industrial Zoning District, Railroad Corridor Combining District to a Planned Unit District (P-1), a tentative map to subdivide the approximately 2.88-acre project site into 15 residential lots and four common area parcels for bioretention basins and a park, and a preliminary and final development plan to allow the construction of 15 residences. The residential lots will range in size from approximately 3,821 – 6,114 square feet. The common area parcels for the bioretention basins (Parcels A, B, D) range in size from approximately 6,611 – 10,263 square feet. The proposed park will be located on Parcel C and will be approximately 3,590 square feet. The proposed residences will range in size from approximately 1,829 – 2,559 square feet of living area. There will be approximately five code protected trees removed, all consisting of Ailanthus Altissima trees, commonly known as Tree of Heaven. A request for a variance to allow the rezoning of the 2.88-acre property to a P-1 (where 5 acres is the minimum) is included in the project. There will be approximately 2,000 cubic yards of cut and fill that will be balanced on-site. The subject property is not located within the Delta Diablo service boundary. Therefore, the project will require approval from the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO).
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Contra Costa County Loreto Bay Estates 15-Lot Subdivision, County Files #CDRZ21-03260, CDSD21-09588, CDDP21-03028
Contra Costa County Loreto Bay Estates 15-Lot Subdivision (County File #CDSD21-09588)
Contra Costa County Loreto Bay Estates 15-Lot Subdivision