SCH Number 2022070508

Project Info

Boulton, Vesting Tentative Parcel Map, ED17-272, SUB2017-00039
A request by Brad Boulton for a Vesting Tentative Parcel Map (SUB2017-00039 / CO 17-0227) to subdivide an existing undeveloped 10.01-acre parcel into two approximately 5-acre parcels for the purpose of sale and/or development. Each resulting parcel will have a designated building envelope which could support a primary residence, accessory structures and supporting appurtenances. Both parcels will be served by an existing shared well. Improvements include the construction of a shared driveway and a 24-foot-wide access road serving a single building site on each parcel. The project will result in a total disturbance area of approximately three and one-half (<3.5) acres, including 4,500 cubic yards (cy) of cut and fill. The project includes requests for an adjustment to the County’s Title 21 Real Property Division, design criteria, to allow for an exceedance of the maximum ratio of parcel depth to parcel width. The project site is located at 1688 Old Oak Park Road, approximately 1.5 miles north of the City of Arroyo Grande within the Residential Rural land use category. The site is in the San Luis Bay Inland Sub Area South of the South County Planning Area.
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San Luis Obispo County Boulton Vesting Tentative Parcel Map
San Luis Obispo County Boulton, Vesting Tentative Parcel Map, ED17-272, SUB2017-00039