SCH Number 2022070371

Project Info

Landowner Groundwater Recharge and Banking Project
The District and landowners recognize the importance of the importation of surface water into the district area for beneficial use by agriculture and to enhance sustainable groundwater management. Landowners desire to establish a groundwater banking account that provides a reliable source of water and the flexibility to use that supply to support their agricultural activities. To this end, the District desires to establish a joint landowner groundwater banking program to incentivize landowners to share their privately-owned recharge facilities (surface or subsurface) to increase in-district recharge capacity. Potential sources of water available to recharge in shared facilities would be similar to surface water sources available to the District, including Kern River, Central Valley Project, and State Water Project. Groundwater banking would generally occur in wetter years when there would be surplus surface water supplies available.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
North Kern Water Storage District Landowner Groundwater Recharge and Banking Project
North Kern Water Storage District Landowner Groundwater Recharge and Banking Project