SCH Number 2022070209
Project Info
- Title
- Prado Road Bridge Replacement Project
- Description
- The City of San Luis Obispo proposes to replace the existing Prado Road Bridge over San Luis Obispo Creek with a wider, single-span bridge structure and construct roadway improvements to Prado Road and the Prado Road/South Higuera Street intersection. The project also includes the restoration and enhancement of an approximately 0.753-acre off-site mitigation area located within the Righetti Ranch development area in the vicinity of the Tank Farm Road/Orcutt Road/Union Pacific Railroad corridor to offset unavoidable temporary and permanent project-related impacts to riparian habitat and jurisdictional water features. The project also includes construction of a noise barrier wall to be located along the northeastern corner of the Prado Road/South Higuera Street intersection to reduce vehicle-related noise impacts to nearby residential uses.
2 documents in project