SCH Number 2022070081

Project Info

General Plan Amendment/Development Code Text Amendment Application No. P22-02413
The City of Fresno (Applicant) proposes a Text Amendment and General Plan Amendment to increase the zoning density for the five (5) zone districts within the city of Fresno that allow mixed-use development (Project) in order to facilitate economically feasible and high-quality development called for in the Fresno General Plan along transit corridors, and to address the need for housing. Such zone districts include the Neighborhood Mixed-Use (NMX), Corridor/Center Mixed-Use (CMX), Regional Mixed-Use (RMX), Commercial-Main Street (CMS), and Commercial Regional (CR) zone districts and planned land use designations. The Project would (1) remove the maximum density for mixed-use zone districts; (2) modify the restriction that prohibits ground floor residential uses in mixed-use districts so that only corner properties along arterials with Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) stops will have mandated commercial uses; and (3) revise Fresno Municipal Code (FMC) Section 15-4907 to allow ministerial approval of multi-family residential uses in mixed-use districts within the City’s Priority Areas for Development (areas identified on Figure IM-1 in the Fresno General Plan). The proposed development code text amendment will not revise other property development standards contained in the FMC. In other words, all height, parking, landscaping, fencing and setback requirements will remain unchanged. In addition, the project will remove the maximum residential density of the mixed-use districts in the General Plan to allow for general plan consistency.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Fresno General Plan Amendment/Development Code Text Amendment Application No. P22-02413
City of Fresno General Plan Amendment/Development Code Text Amendment Application No. P22-02413 - RECIRCULATION
City of Fresno General Plan Amendment/Development Code Text Amendment Application No. P22-02413