SCH Number 2022060567
Project Info
- Title
- 2101 North Fremont Street Hotel Project
- Description
- The project includes demolition of an existing one-story, 18-guest room hotel and 134-seat restaurant and the construction of a new four-story, 42-guest room branded hotel. The project requires approval of a conditional use permit, architectural review permit, and building permit from the City of Monterey and a water permit from the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District. The project requires a text amendment to the North Fremont Specific Plan clarifying that: (a) for VAF zoned properties, the VAF zone requirements apply as required by City Charter; and (b) the Specific Plan is consistent with, but not part of the General Plan. The project also includes an amendment to the City’s off-street parking standards and loading zone requirement, and readoption of the parking calculation in Section 38-36(A) of the City Municipal Code.
3 documents in project