SCH Number 2022060567

Project Info

2101 North Fremont Street Hotel Project
The project includes demolition of an existing one-story, 18-guest room hotel and 134-seat restaurant and the construction of a new four-story, 42-guest room branded hotel. The project requires approval of a conditional use permit, architectural review permit, and building permit from the City of Monterey and a water permit from the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District. The project requires a text amendment to the North Fremont Specific Plan clarifying that: (a) for VAF zoned properties, the VAF zone requirements apply as required by City Charter; and (b) the Specific Plan is consistent with, but not part of the General Plan. The project also includes an amendment to the City’s off-street parking standards and loading zone requirement, and readoption of the parking calculation in Section 38-36(A) of the City Municipal Code.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Monterey 2101 North Fremont Street Hotel Project
City of Monterey 2101 North Fremont Street Hotel Project
City of Monterey 2101 North Fremont Street Hotel Project