SCH Number 2022060468

Project Info

Palm Hollister Apartments
Demolish a residential structure and out-buildings to construct a total of 198 residential units, including eight affordable units, in 13 buildings. The project would require an amendment to the Olay Mesa-Nestor Community Plan (OMNCP) to change the existing land use from Open Space to Medium-High Density (30 - 44 du/ac) and remove View and Access Points A and B from OMNCP Appendix C, as well as a Rezone to change the existing zone from AR-1-2, RM-1-1, and RS-1-5 to RM-2-6. The proposed CPA and Rezone would allow for the site to be developed with up to 206 residential units. The project would include supporting recreational amenities and infrastructure. The project is also requesting a Multi-Habitat Planning Area (MHPA) Boundary Line Adjustment.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Diego Palm & Hollister Apartments, PRJ 0698277
City of San Diego Palm Hollister Apartments
City of San Diego Palm Hollister Apartments
City of San Diego Palm Hollister Apartments