SCH Number 2022060007

Project Info

Star Express Car Wash Project
The project proposes to demolish the existing on-site restaurant and associated surface parking lot, and construct a staffed, automated express car wash facility. A 3,278-square foot one-story express car wash building would be constructed, equipped with standard car wash tunnel equipment. In addition to the 100-foot wash tunnel, the building would include an area for mechanical/electrical equipment and storage. A drive-through lane would be constructed to direct vehicles entering the site from a new driveway along Gardenia Avenue northerly to a pay station, then southerly to enter into the car wash tunnel. Vehicles would exit the southerly end of the car wash building and either exit the site via a driveway towards the eastern alley or a new driveway onto East Pacific Coast Highway. Vehicles also have the option to park in one of 18 self-service vacuum parking spaces, equipped with one vacuum per space. The project would construct an approximately 355-square foot one-story building consisting of a restroom, trash enclosure, and vacuum room in the southeast corner of the site, as well as a 127-square foot one-story monitoring room near the entrance (northern end) of the car wash tunnel. The project would also include the installation of 2,523 square feet of new drought tolerant landscaping on-site. Car wash operations would include on-site staffing of approximately five employees per shift with two shifts per day. Anticipated operating hours would be from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. seven days a week. City discretionary approvals for the proposed project include CEQA Clearance, Conditional Use Permit, Site Plan Review, Zone Change, and Lot Merger.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Long Beach Star Express Car Wash Project (App. No. 2103-41)
City of Long Beach Star Express Car Wash Project