SCH Number 2022050523
Project Info
- Title
- Recirculation of Environmental Document for PA-2100031, 32, 61, 62
- Description
- The project proposes to subdivide the 3 parcels into lots for the purpose of development of single-family residences. The portion of the project site (PA-2100061, 62) on 2706 Pock Lane consists of 2 parcels designated APN 179-120-13 and -14 with a total acreage of approximately 19.3 acres into 96 R-L (Low Density Residential) lots. The portion of the project site (PA-2100031, 32) on 3009 Pock Lane, which is approximately 975 feet southwest of the 2706 Pock Lane site, consists of subdividing 1 parcel designated APN 179-120-11 into 108 R-L (Low Density Residential) lots. These Major Subdivision applications are running concurrently with Zone Reclassification applications to change the zoning designation of the project site from AU-20 (Agriculture Urban Reserve, 20-acre minimum) to R-L (Low Density Residential). The project proposes public water from the California Water Company, public wastewater treatment from the City of Stockton, and public terminal storm drainage served by a new Community Facilities District. The project site is not under a Williamson Act Contract.
3 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | San Joaquin County | PA-2100031, 32, 61, 62 - Zone Reclassification and Major Subdivision of 3 parcels. | |
MND | San Joaquin County | Recirculation of Environmental Document for PA-2100031, 32, 61, 62 | |
MND | San Joaquin County | PA-2100031, 32, 61, 62 - Project to subdivide the 3 parcels into lots for the purpose of development of single-family residences. |