SCH Number 2022050450
Project Info
- Title
- North Pebble Beach Drive Public Access Point Project
- Description
- The County owns an existing parking lot and pathway, located on the west side of the N. Pebble Beach Drive approximately .5 mile south of its intersection with Washington Boulevard. The County plans to improve the beach access to be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by constructing a new ramp and regrading, paving and striping an area of the existing parking lot to also conform to ADA requirements. A portion of the new ramp will parallel the parking lot to allow for ingress from the ADA loading and unloading spaces with a 90-degree turn at the eastern end to access the beach in the same footprint as the existing path. This seaward portion will be approximately 36 feet in length and approximately 6 feet wide. The ramp will be bordered on both sides with new concrete sidewalls and handrails. Special studies prepared for the project address sea level rise, tsunami runup, bluff retreat, cultural resources, biological resources, wetlands, and visual impacts. Mitigation measures are proposed to address potential impacts to wetlands, biological resources, and cultural resources.
2 documents in project