SCH Number 2022050300

Project Info

Redding 2023-2045 General Plan Update
A Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) was prepared for the City of Redding in accordance with CEQA to analyze the potential environmental impacts associated with the Redding General Plan 2045 Update. The General Plan Update will provide the long-term planning blueprint for the improvements needed to house the City’s growing population and needed services and industry through 2045. The 2045 General Plan Update outlines the City’s goals for physical growth, conservation, and community life, and contains policies and actions to guide the City in reaching those goals. The current City Limits contains enough vacant sites for housing, commercial services, and industrial uses to serve a larger population. The new growth is focused in areas where services exist or can be expanded/extended to serve additional and more intensive development. The Planning Area footprint is smaller than the existing General Plan, and existing land use classifications and configurations will remain unaffected. The General Plan Update includes nine elements: the Community Development and Design, Community Health Wellness and Environmental Justice, Economic Development, Natural Resources Element, Parks Trails Recreation, Public Facilities, Public Safety, Transportation and Noise.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Redding Redding 2023-2045 General Plan Update
City of Redding Redding 2023-2045 General Plan Update
City of Redding Redding General Plan 2023-2045