SCH Number 2022050222
Project Info
- Title
- Camino Largo (P21-0300)
- Description
- The applicant (California West Communities) seeks approval of a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Tentative Subdivision Map, and Site Development Plan for the development and construction of 46 detached single-family residences on a 9.3-acre site at 2123 N. Santa Fe Avenue (Assessor’s Parcel Number [APN] 159-240-07). The project site has a General Plan land use designation of Rural Residential (RR) and the project would require a General Plan Amendment to designate the site as Medium Density Residential (MD Residential) (10 dwelling units [du]/acre). The project would also require a zone change from Agricultural (A-1) to Residential (R-1-B, small lot subdivision, 3,600 square foot size lots). The property is located northeast of the intersection of North Santa Fe Avenue and Camino Largo, south of the City’s boundary with the County of San Diego. Guajome Regional Park is located to the west across North Santa Fe Avenue and single-family residences land are to the south and east. The proposed project would also include private streets, utilities, landscaping, and related improvements.
3 documents in project